Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Turned Write, Too

Taken from my multiply blog ( Written last August 13, 2007.

(Inspired by Meg's blog "Yes, I turned write" which you'll find here: )

I knew I was going to be a DevJourn major as soon as I entered my first year in college.

I knew it all along. I felt it in me. I have it in me. But then I held back (for a while). We tend to hold back- out of fear (of profs, assignments, and writing itself). It's like an itch that needs scratching. That's why I let go of my fears and turned write.

Much as I wanted to send Candy my pictures at work and how devjourn helped me in my present career, I was still in Palawan back then and internet was not available. Too bad! But I was very happy that there's a movement going on which encourages students to TURN WRITE. True, we were always behind in quantity- but NEVER in QUALITY.

Yes, being a DevJourn major served as my edge that's why I bagged my current work (with the help of Sir Grande, ofcourse). Journ honed my skills and made them as though they were parts of me (that's why I don't feel pressured whenever I'm asked to do certain tasks). Our mentors also taught us important values and ethics that transcend beyond the four corners of the room. And I'm glad that they're always there to back us up- internship, work, etc.

My best-est friends right now are also my co-majors. We got close during Devc123, yep, LB Times. Intelligent conversations. Coffee breaks. Overnights. Nothing bonds friends better than LB Times (despite all the drama that comes with it). I'm very proud to say that these people are some of the best things that happened to me. And I've already decided to keep them for life.

So what are you waiting for? Let go of your worries and fears. I TURNED WRITE. I'm glad I did. How about you?

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